Feliz dia das MAES! Happy mother's day!

Eu acho que toda mae fica mais sensivel nesse epoca do ano. Nao somente por causa de todas (ou nenhuma) homenagem (feita pelos nossos pimpolhos ou mostrado na midia) mas porque nos somos lembradas de como somos abencoadas e desafiadas todos os dias!
Aqui um pequeno poeminha que fiz...queria era ter talento para transforma-lo em musica um dia...alguem se habilita?


I guess every mother gets a little bit sensitive this time of the year. Not only because all (or none) tributes (made by our little ones or even showed through the media) but because we are reminded of how blessing and challenged we are every day!
I just made a poem and I wish I could have the talent to transform it into music someday (in English it’s not going to rhyme)…It says:

The moment I knew
That you were here
The emotion in my chest
Biggest I've ever felt.
And in a flash
Life has changed
Even without seeing you
Mommy already loved you.

Your eyes tell me everything
Words are not even necessary.
The love of being a mother
Even a thousand words can tell.

Every day a discovery
In this world that awaits us.
I guide you on your way
I know, there will be many stones.
But God also guides me
And we must rely
On being good at heart
Come, I'll hold your hand.

Happy mother's day!

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